Q: When will living willow cuttings an rods be available to buy?

A: In 2018, we are predicting roughly from the end of November 2018 to end of March 2019, although this may change.  We may look to open a pre-order option in October.

Q: Where has your willow list gone?

A: We are in the process of updating our willow list with new additions and removing any that we no longer sell.  We hope to have the list back up and running in Mid-October 2018

Q: Didn't West Wales Willows used to be located in Pembrokeshire? 

A: Yes.  When Billa and David set up West Wales Willows, it was at their property in Pembrokeshire.  In 2016, we bought the business and started to move the willow collection to our property in Carmarthenshire.  We did this by taking cuttings from the established stools and planting them in our fields.

Q: What part of the willow rod do you use for the cuttings?

A: We only use the bottom of each willow rod when producing cuttings.  The principle reason is that the base of each rod/stem has the most dense area of root nodes on the bark, significantly increasing the success rate of rooting.  Root node density decreases the further up the rod you go.