The Green Fuse is a new online quarterly magazine produced by young people in West Wales for young people everywhere. West Wales Willows is featured on page 21 and 22 and one of our willow domes has been featured as a willow bird hide.

The magazine has a range of articles, including an exclusive interview with Kate Humble, quizes and a competition to win one of our bird feeders/garlic holders. All you have to do is send in a picture of a bird feeder you have made from natural or recycled materials.

Here’s the website to get your copy:
You need to register with your e-mail address and then you can download the PDF file. Well worth a read and also great for home schooling.
Ending the Year on a High!
We heard last month that after lots of planning, paperwork and an official visit, we have been awarded National Plant Collection status for our collection of Salix/Willow here in Wales!
The award is given by Plant Heritage and recognises collections of cultivated plants that will safeguard plants for future generations for cultural, medical, culinary and aesthetic use.
When we bought West Wales Willows almost 4 years ago and moved all the willow to our smallholding, we wanted to try and preserve the collection that had been built up by original owners Billa and David. Over the past 4 years we have also added about 50 varieties.
The award recognises almost 20 years of combined work and we are realy proud to be the guardians of such a lovely collection. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our small business – we really, really appreciate your support. Happy New Year and here’s to an incredible 2020.
#WillowCultivation #WillowGrowing #Salix #NationalPlantCollection